Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Baking

Well its that time of year for Christmas baking.  Since we are heading down the coast to visit family for Christmas I thought I would take some yummy treats with me.  My first Christmas with my Thermomix.  This machine has made making all these treats so much easier.

First up I made Rumballs... here's the recipe that I used.

8 Weet-bix
1 tin Condensed Milk
1 handful of Sultanas
2 tblespoons cocoa
50g Coconut (1/2 cup)
Rum to Taste
more coconut to roll 

1.  Place Weetbix into Thermomix bowl.  Crush (Speed 5 for 10 secs).  Add Coconut & coconut & mix.  Add Sultanas & mix (speed 5 for 10 secs).  Now add the condensed milk & mix well (speed 5 for 20 secs).  Add rum to taste & mix again to incorporate.

2.  Pick up small amount & roll into a ball (if you are finding the mixture sticks too much, wet your hands a little to help), roll ball into extra coconut.  Refrigerate.

*Note* If your mixture is too wet, just add some more weetbix.


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